Table of Contents

Earth Attack in a few words

“The phenomenon of UFOs does exist, and it must be treated seriously."

"The question of whether there is intelligent life beyond our planet is not an idle philosophical inquiry. It is a crucial issue for science."

This document is provided for informational purposes only and is subject to modifications at any time. This document does not constitute financial advice nor a recommendation for the technology mentioned within.

EARTH ATTACK is a play-and-earn NFT blockchain mobile game. It is more than just an NFT project. It's an invitation to be part of a community-driven movement that combines inclusion, entertainment, education, and a deep fascination for UFOs and space. As you embark on this cosmic adventure, prepare to connect with fellow enthusiasts, expand your knowledge, and engage in thrilling battles. Earth Attack beckons you to become a part of something greater, where imagination and reality intertwine, and the possibilities are as infinite as the universe itself. Join the journey, mint your alien, and let the Earth Attack vision captivate your senses.

Immersing players in a metaverse that bridges the virtual and physical worlds, EARTH ATTACK fuses community skills and interactions and battle gameplay, with real world exploration with augmented reality (AR) adventures.

Attention, gamers and ufology enthusiasts! Brace yourselves for the ultimate NFT experience as we introduce Earth Attack, a top-notch collection that seamlessly blends the thrill of gaming with the intrigue of ufology.

Earth Attack Promises

Welcome to the visionary world of Earth Attack, where the realms of inclusion, entertainment, education, community, UFOs, and space converge to create an unparalleled experience. Prepare to embark on an adventure that will leave you captivated, enlightened, and connected like never before.


Earth Attack is more than just a NFT project; it's a space where individuals from all walks of life come together, united by their shared passion for UFOs and extraterrestrial phenomena. Regardless of your background, beliefs, or interests, Earth Attack welcomes everyone to join the galactic journey and become a part of the community. It's a place where diversity is celebrated, fostering an environment where everyone's voice can be heard and respected.


Get ready to unleash your imagination and dive into an immersive world of thrilling battles and captivating storytelling. Earth Attack transcends the traditional boundaries of NFT collections by expanding into a play-to-game experience. Engage in epic intergalactic battles, strategize with your faction, and accumulate points to climb the ranks. The entertainment factor of Earth Attack is unparalleled, offering a fusion of NFT ownership and engaging gameplay that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Exploration / Discovery

Earth Attack is not only an entertainment platform; it's also a valuable source of knowledge and exploration. Delve into the depths of ufology and space, discovering fascinating facts and theories about extraterrestrial life. Earth Attack aims to educate its community about the wonders of the universe, sparking curiosity and promoting a deeper understanding of the mysteries that lie beyond our planet. With each alien NFT you own, you're not just acquiring a collectible; you're embarking on a journey of discovery.


The heart of Earth Attack lies within its vibrant and passionate community. Connect with like-minded individuals who share your fascination for UFOs and space exploration. Engage in lively discussions, exchange ideas, and collaborate with fellow faction members to achieve galactic dominance. Earth Attack fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie, where friendships are forged and bonds are strengthened, all centered around a shared love for the unknown.

UFOs & Space

Earth Attack breathes life into the captivating realm of UFOs and space. By minting unique alien NFTs, you become the custodian of extraterrestrial lifeforms, each with its own story and characteristics. These creatures represent our fascination with the possibility of intelligent life beyond Earth. Immerse yourself in a world where the boundaries of our imagination merge with the vastness of the cosmos, fueling curiosity and inspiring awe.

Revenue Model

Learn about Earth Attack's revenue model and how we strive to provide the best value for our users.

Earth Attack is a web3 battling game with three revenue streams:

Primary sales: Earth Attack runs a service of issuance for collectible digital assets (Aliens). These Aliens can be freely traded.

Creator fee: Earth Attack will receive a Creator fee of 10% when an Alien is traded.

Money flows fees: in the phase 2 of Tokenomics, Earth Attack will progressively move away from Primary sales and will mostly receive a fee when items are traded or produced.

Earth Attack has a player-powered and player-owned economy with a fair economic split between players and the platform. The lion's share of revenue will always go to players and the playing pool.



As you probably know, our planet Earth is probably not the only habitable planet in the whole universe. Just knowing by fact that, humans (99% of our body), are made of the same stuff (hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus) as our stars is a sign that we probably are not the only civilization out there.

For decades, we have seen signs of potential extraterrestrial life form visiting our planet, some of us even share their experience and encounters.

Being able to visit our planet is a significant sign of advance technology compared to where we are now. Those advanced civilizations, have gathered in a galactical submit and have decided that us, humans, are moving faster and faster technologically and adding to this fact all our climate problems, food and water scarcity we will have to move even faster if we want to survive as a species which leads to planet discovery and planet expansion. Therefore they have decided to take action into their own hands and attack us while we remain vulnerable technologically-wise.
Hopefully for us they disagree with how they want to eradicate human kind so this will give us time to carry on our researches and try to gather as many information as possible on these extraterrestrial entities.

Everybody is getting ready to attack, we just need you to lead the way !

Little Grey - Rare

Little Greys have been intruding and spying on humans for quite some time now. Their small stature, greyish dark hairless skin, thin body, and long pointy fingers added to their very large cranium, give them the appearance of a funny teenager that endured some weird genetic mutations.
Their facial features are restricted to a pair of tiny slits acting as their nose, a small mouth and big black googly almond-shaped eyes. Capable of telepathy, gifted with amazing skills for inducing subconscious thoughts, but known to be benevolent they come from a distant planet also on the brink of extinction. Desperate to find a new home they wonder the galaxy in search of new habitat. These creatures have similar ranks as the humans, they serve higher forces and are known to be vessels for higher dimensional beings like simple avatars.
They have been asked to spy and gather as much information as possible on humans, getting to know your enemy or who you are dealing with is part of their strategy. Little Greys move around in their small-scale round-shaped spacecrafts that humans commonly call “flying saucers”, monitoring human activity and reporting everything back to the intergalactic alliance. Despite the benevolence, when they’re used as vessels their behavior change drastically and they become vicious, cruel, and merciless.

They do not want humans to join the intergalactic alliance and even less start space exploration as this would mean sharing new findings. War is inevitable!

Reptilians are probably the most ancient and vicious dimensional beings out there. Human sized, covered with lizard scales, hypnotic yellow eyes, 2 enormous pointy fangs full of muscle-paralyzing toxin and huge claws on their hands and feet.
They are from a distant planet, but rumors are they could also be living in subterranean cities on Earth with huge monorail systems connecting various points like the Poles and mount Shasta. Their entry points are marked by the Ouroboros symbol that serves as a warning. These creatures are cold blooded killers, colonizers and enslavers feeding on fresh meat and flesh.
They are known to have already infiltrated the human high society and are planning an attack to destroy humanity from within and take over the planet. Don’t be fool by their primitive appearance, their technology and general comprehension of the universe is far more advanced than any other known species.

This is why they are so feared and why they run a dictature-like regime within the intergalactic alliance.

Reptilians - Legendary
Big White - Rare

Big Whites are probably descendants of little greys but have made significant progress in technology and science. The discoveries they have made on genome modifications is astonishing. All this thanks to secret testing on little greys but mainly on humans.
They have managed to alter their DNA sequences and the result is remarkable. Between 6 to 7 feet tall, thin, white pale hairless skin, colored shifting eyes, long nailless pointy fingers, incredible telekinetic powers and increase in speed. Known to be the little greys puppeteers, they use them as avatars to do their dirty work, mainly human abductions, and sometimes military recognition over area 51 and others top secret facilities.
We don’t really know where they are coming from, but they are proclaimed to live in arid, desertic and dry atmospheres which is why they are so interested in Earth. Mind controlling deceitful creatures, they don’t hesitate to manipulate simple human minds to their advantages. Just like Reptilians, they have probably infiltrated some human high rank decisions making position.

They only need to take care of one more little thing, getting rid of all the humans.

Blue Eyes, also known as Nordic Aliens. Their long blond hair and blue eyes are what characterized them. They look a lot like humans apart from their pointy ears.

Their beauty is well-known for being one of their best traits and they use it to their advantages to get what they want by seducing their hosts and getting into their heads. They are also known for their benevolence and telepathic gift.

We have They are probably the least dimensional race to be known for violence but they might follow any decision made by the intergalactic alliance as they seriously fear the Reptilians and Big Whites and the repercussions that might have on their own people if they would go against them.

Blue Eyes, commonly named Nordic Aliens due to their long blond silk-like hair and light blue eyes. Human sized, pale skin, elfish pointy ears. Very gracious in the way they move.

Blue Eyes - Epic
CREALUCE - The Artist

Zoktanoids, originating from a distant and frigid planet where water exists solely in its frozen state, the Zoktanoids are a testament to the adaptability and resilience of life in the cosmos.Standing tall with slender, elongated limbs, the Zoktanoids cut a striking figure. Their alabaster-white skin reflects the icy landscape of their homeworld, a testament to their evolutionary history. With their thin, long legs and arms, they navigate their environment with grace and agility, embodying a harmony between form and function.

Yet, it is not just their physical appearance that sets the Zoktanoids apart. Possessing kinaesthetic abilities beyond our comprehension, they wield a mastery over movement that defies conventional understanding. Whether gliding effortlessly across frozen tundras or weaving intricate patterns in the air, the Zoktanoids exemplify the beauty of fluid motion.

Moreover, the Zoktanoids possess a unique gift: the ability to foresee their near future, albeit on an individual level. This precognitive ability adds a layer of intrigue to their already mysterious nature, hinting at a profound connection to the fabric of time itself.

As we stand on the precipice of first contact with the Zoktanoids, one question looms large: are they beings of peace, or do they harbor a more militant disposition? The answer eludes us, shrouded in the depths of interstellar space.

Game Play

Play Mode

Get an in-depth look at the core gameplay offered by Earth Attack

The possibility of reduced cosmic loneliness is as awe-inspiring as the scope of the cosmos itself."

You mission, dear holder, should you choose to accept it will be to battle other factions to earn points and further in-game benefits.

Remember that each battle will cost you stamina. You will receive daily stamina points to consume

You will never battle against your own faction, this would be madness!!! You will fight against any other faction card that has been minted previously.

Our goal is to have a diverse match making algorithm in order to provide all players an enjoyable and fair gameplay.

Battle Cards

Rarity Tier

Discover the 4 rarity tiers of Aliens.

There are 4 Rarity Tiers for Aliens. The rarer the Alien, the more Points it is allocated at mint. Points allocated at mint are distributed between Attributes. As you know, Attributes boost battling scores, so players are incentivised to own aliens of higher Rarity. The 4 Rarity Tiers are as follows:


* Distribution is subject to change

Game Play

The core gameplay of Earth Attack is for players to compete against other players to reach a certain level and claim rewards.

Earth Attack players compete on 2 Leaderboards (Individual and cooperative) on a daily basis.

How many battles can I play in a day ?

Every Alien has a total of 15 Stamina and every battle cost 3 Stamina. So you can battle 5 times a day. If you own multiple Aliens that means you can play up to (5 battles * Nbr of Alien) a day.

How does a battle work ?

In order to launch a battle you will have to connect your wallet.

How do I get points ?

Players win Points for participating in daily battles :

Our battle algorithm: (F * L) / 100] + [ (TM / T) + [(F * L) / 100] ]


How many points do I get ?

- For every battle won, you get 20% of your opponent's Force added to your current points.
- For every lost battle, you get 20% of your opponent's Force discounted from your current points.


Battle System & Battle Rewards

Discover how the battle systems works.

The Battles will start at Season 1. Our first season will last 6 months during which, players will have the ability to compete against each others to get points and climb our bi-weekly leaderboard. The length of the season might vary depending on the number of players and NFTs minted.*

*any changes will be communicated in our discord server


Season Rewards

2 weeks before the end of the season, we will stop all battles in order to check which 2 factions have performed best (scored the most points). These 2 factions will face each other in an ultimate battle in order to gain the season reward.

The season reward is a free NFT that you will be able to use in the following season. Either use it for battle, sell it or just hold it.

Community Rewards


Smart Contract

ContractAddress on Polygon
EARTH ATTACK0x0910f863962ab7f19a9cc98a3490b4b0d4c165f9

latest update - 03/04/2024


Building on Polygon

Polygon, previously known as the Matic network, stands out as a groundbreaking protocol and development tool seamlessly amalgamating the most advantageous features of both the Ethereum blockchain and sovereign blockchains. This results in the creation of a comprehensive multi-chain system. While maintaining the robust security and interoperability akin to the Ethereum blockchain, Polygon distinguishes itself by offering a more cost-effective and expedited user experience. Prior to opting for Polygon as the foundation for Earth Attack, we extensively examined various blockchains. Here are some compelling reasons behind our decision:

Quality Considerations

Environmentally Responsible Blockchain

As of April 19, 2022, The Polygon network unveiled its Green Manifesto: A Smart Contract with Planet Earth. This manifesto underscores Polygon's dedication to achieving carbon neutrality and a positive impact on the climate within the current year. Notably, Polygon pledged $20 million towards offsetting its carbon footprint and acquiring additional credits as part of its commitment to environmental responsibility.

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